"it's the final countdown..."
tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my academic career.
i'd be lying if i said i wasn't apprehensive. i have spent the past year and a half enjoying my leisure time, reading for pleasure, mooching off my parents, jaunting between continents, slaving away at a low-paying job for which i was overqualified, and exercising my liver's full potential. now the time has come to exercise my own full potential. *liver breathes a sigh of relief*
i have used this analogy before, and i am going to use it again: my former co-worker tom (an arachnophile who will never, ever convert me) once told me that scorpions can live in below-freezing temperatures for months by reducing their metabolic rate to that of a growing potato and laying low until it is warm enough to reanimate themselves. today it is summer in the southern hemisphere, the sun is shining, the magpies are squawking obnoxiously outside my window; it is time for the reanimation process to begin.
let me make it clear: i have enjoyed this limbo period immensely. it has solidified my desire to once again join the academic community, and i have chosen a program that is perfect for both my personal and career goals. at this stage i am antsy to start a new phase of my life, and i feel as though i am rested and rejuvenated enough to jump in at full speed. i may have to sift my way through hordes of my foreign physician colleagues to distinguish myself, and i may be the only american in the first year of the program, but goddamn it i am confident in my abilities. plus, i can use my outsider status as an opportunity to be the face of u.s. diplomacy at melb uni's school of population health, a goodwill ambassador of sorts.
so bear with me while i readjust to the idea of actually having to do work in my spare time. i hope to continue posting with some regularity so that my many fans (read: alejandra) will have a means of procrastination.
on a more disturbing note, did you know that danii minogue covered "the final countdown?" because i did not, and i wish that wikipedia had never provided that bit of information. this is borderline blasphemy. i may just have to take to the bottle again (sorry, liver).
Labels: europe, scorpions, way too many 80s bands mentioned in this post
Congrats Laina! Good luck with everything. And yes, i am totally claiming the spot as your "NUMBER ONE FAN." (Said in a loud, deep, booming voice)
OH MAN! My verification word is "Laisy" it's like a "lazy laina." Perhaps a reference to the end of your relaxed limbo period?
Oh scratch that. It's actually "lQisy" but the q looked like an a. Damn these verification words...
hey lane, i'm stuck in the airport on the longest trip home from hawaii ever and i thought i would check in with you... i have been stuck in phoenix for nine hours, and in all throughout the terminal, there are flat screen tvs playing the same 15 minutes of InStyle crap on CNN on a loop. I have heard al gore accept the academy award dozens of times so far.
i thnk today is the 26th, which means that somewhere you are either sleeping before or after your first day of class, or indeed, at class. i'm sure, in any event, that everything will be great.
and don't kid yourself, even with gainful employment, the allure of a $50 prize would still have (sadly, i speak from experience) incited verve for the activity.
alejandra: have you ever seen "misery" with kathy bates?? she holds her favorite author hostage and tortures him and constantly says, "i'm your number one fan" in a really pleasant, yet creepy, voice. not that i think you'd ever do that.
kate: you're right. even though i am about to start working again, i still filled out an asinine online survey for uni in the hopes of winning a $250 prize. damn our devotion to the almighty dollar!
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