there was something in the air that night...

i am not ashamed to admit that last night we went to see these fine entertainers, complete with faux swedish accents and bad 70s hairdos.
and where, might you ask, did we have the privilege of viewing such talent? why, the melbourne zoo, of course. (this explanation makes the above photo moderately less creepy, emphasis on the word moderately. there is no feasible explanation for those capes).
speaking of creepy, doesn't the gentleman on the right bear a striking resemblance to david spade? after some thought, i realised that it could very well BE david spade, because whatever happened to him anyway? it seems as though he has dropped off the face of the earth, and australia is about as close as you can get to dropping off the face of the earth without actually defying gravity, so maybe i've outed him. maybe he has changed his name and converted to the cult of abba like when cat stevens converted and changed his name to yusuf islam.
silly david. first capital one commercials, and now this? oh how the mighty have fallen.
david spade is in some horrible CBS sitcom and is restarting the showbizshow - a rip off of The Soup.
Yeah, David Spade is still mucking it up on CBS, as whiny and creepy as ever. Also, I canNOT believe that you went to see a group called "Babba." It's also probably one of the reasons why I love you...and it ain't no lie.
INCIDENTALLY, this reminds me of the creepy German blog stalker/fan who sent me a "gift" of an Abba Mp3. What song? "Take a chance on me"
ok, so first, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! still don't have that timing thing quite figured out, so, i might be a bit early, or right on time, but either way, do something a little crazier than going to see a david spade impersonator for your birthday...
so, second, we need to address the blasphemous comments about david spade, disregarding my own derision in the paragraph above. while i have yet to see his new sitcom (and don't really intend to), and never cared for just shoot me or tommy boy, etc, very much, the showbizshow is just about the funniest show ever, despite spade's whininess. that's all i've got!
hope you're having a great time in school... i'm getting excited for mary's wedding!!!
Happy Birthday you sexy Abba-lovin' lady!!
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