laina down under

lessons from the university of melbourne and the school of hard knocks.

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

jonesin' for some man meat

can you smell that? that aromatic mix of testosterone, athleticism, homoeroticism, and perfectly sculpted biceps? it can only mean one thing: it is once again footy season in melbourne.

i had grandiose plans to commemorate this event with a whole host of photos of shirtless AFL players, enough partial nudity to potentially get this blog removed from the web once and for all. i mean, go big or go home, right? like footy shorts, this blog hopes to leave very little to the imagination and i, for one, think we need to embrace that sort of brazen perspective. however, i have been thwarted by occurrences beyond my control, and i would like to take this time to both explain and, i suppose, justify the reason why there is no shirtless AFL player staring you down at this very moment, with his piercing eyes and meaty thighs and abs out of which you could lick chocolate syrup/honey/whipping cream/vegemite/a combination of the above...but i digress...

during my first stint in the melb circa 2k4, i was not-so-innocently perusing the internet when i stumbled upon the veritable mecca of scantily-clad footballers: after my reluctant return to america i became a regular visitor; every time i felt a pang of longing for australia or a wave of frustration as to why our own athletes couldn't be as well-endowed, i would stop by that website and know that all was right with the world. besides the obvious reasons why such a creation would be fantastic, the OCD facet of my personality would like to note that the creator clearly put some TLC into the layout and design. all the photos were categorised appropriately and it was quite an easy site to navigate. it was, in a word, perfection.

so imagine the pain that gripped my solar plexus the day i attempted to quickly peruse shirtlessafl and found this. where once there were heaps of muscles and bare skin as far as the eye could see, now were strange advertisements and absolutely nothing footy-related (or, more importantly, naked man-related). ever the intrepid googler, i quickly found out that the gay community was also up in arms about the situation, so at least i was not alone in my plight. in my frantic state, i even happened upon a site that claimed to feature the armpits of afl players, but it had also been taken off the web. (it seems as though they were catering to a very specific subset of the population, but perhaps armpit fetishists are more abundant than we think. has anyone ever seen the movie flirting with disaster?)

the best site i have found to date is the photo gallery at (i really hope the government is tracking my internet usage: "well THIS is an interesting turn of events..."), and it even provides a clue as to why shirtlessafl was taken off the web. apparently the photo gallery at this new site came under fire for copyright issues and because some of the photos may or may not have been taken without permission. i also think that the players were none too pleased about having their photos strewn about a gay website, but i'm just reading between the lines. there is certainly potential that shirtlessafl was removed from the web for the same issues, but at this point in time it remains a mystery.

i implore you to bear with me while i attempt to navigate this newly treacherous terrain. someday soon, when you least expect it, i will begin to post shirtless photos of my favourite footy player du jour. if all goes well, i may even attempt to organise something on a regular basis, a more erotic version of this site. i'm hoping that some more google sleuthing will provide the fodder that i need. however, as i am not sure how much more gay porn i am willing to sift through, i am fully prepared to take one for the team and stalk around the locker rooms at the MCG with my camera. watch for me on the evening news.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


I would like to share with you two pieces of information relevant to your last two posts;

1) according to a source that will remain unnamed, aparantly gay men love armpits (like sucking on them?) - this is from a reliable - albiet female and heterosexual - source.
2)I take offense to your post about the pixie haircut. Need I remind you that when we met I had said haircut?

To injure you as much as you injured me with your last post, I will now open the floor to Ian "Thorpedo" Thorpe bashing...


5:39 am  
Blogger Alaina said...

what jocelyn fails to mention is that her haircut was a great deal longer than the pixie cut that i referred to, and she didn't have the self-righteous pseudo-hipster mindset to go along with it. the attitude is really the crux of the matter. i'd even post her 8th grade yearbook photo to prove my point, but i don't have it with me & i think jocelyn would murder me if i did.

i'm not going to challenge her clearly knowledgeable female heterosexual friend, but i do think it is an interesting hypothesis as (at a quick glance) hairy armpits tend to resemble hairy vaginas.

as for my beloved thorpedo...well...stay tuned for future musings...

11:58 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I ran into your friends on Thursday night we talked about how you and I are having a blog fight.

FYI: The source's name rhymes with Listin Haidt and she insists that it is accurate information given to her by a young man in his experimental phase.

Also, tonight will be the first time that I have been in Rochester when you have not been there in at least a year. Really, I am only crying over no free Starbucks.

JK, let's never fight again! I used the jk abbreviation so that you could chuckle and remember the time that I thought everyone on AIM kept sending me my initials.


2:18 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Help, please. All recommend this program to effectively advertise on the Internet, this is the best program!

12:02 pm  

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